Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Good, The Bad & The Next Day

Somedays I wake up feeling great, only to feel awful later in the day. Take yesterday, for example. I had felt pretty blah the night before. I don't know if I'm going through a flare up right now, if I have a little stomach virus or if I was dehydrated. Sometimes there's a fine line. You guys know what I mean? I woke up feeling better and went for my 3rd personal training session of the week and came home feeling amazing. I drank plenty of fluids in the morning and felt terrific!

Around 3pm, after a busy day at work, I started to feel sick. I had pains, cramping and realized that I probably hadn't had enough to drink. I was sipping on my favorite drink all day; club soda with a splash of cranberry juice, but it wasn't enough after an hour of training earlier that morning. I came home after work and had to take some pain medicine. In years past I had no idea how to combat the pains my aching gut caused. Nowadays, after the "great flare of 2012", I have learned to control the pain by taking 1/2 of a pain pill. It helps my mind and body relax. When I start to feel sick my mind starts to wander. Thoughts of "is this another flare, will I need surgery, and I don't want to spend another 9 months on the couch too ill to join society" ring through my head. Sometimes the anxiety of it all is worse than the physical pain. I drank a TON of cranberry juice, which seemed to help ease my pains. While I thought about the calorie count, my body told me that it was more important to feel better physically than to worry about a few hundred calories.

I fell asleep on the couch around 10ish, waking up around midnight to a phone call from Brad, my amazing husband, who was at work. He knew that after not hearing from me for a couple hours meant I had fallen asleep watching TV. After a great 9 plus hours of straight sleep (never happens- anyone with an ostomy wake up several times a night like I do?), I felt FINE and ready to start my day.

And so my day began, with my favorite activity, Zumba. There was a time when I wouldn't wake up feeling better the next day. I'm truly grateful that I know things can improve with a little medication and some sleep.

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